Blog & Vlog!

Welcome to the Jing Massage Blog and Vlog!

Loads of really exciting Jing TV episodes on the Jing Massage Vlog and articles and posts written by our very own Rachel Fairweather and Meghan Mari on the massage blog! We cover everything from Myofascial release to Price increase – so for great top tips and essential advice for all therapists, stay tuned!

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Pregnancy Massage with Jing Massage & Dermalogica

Pregnancy Massage: Dermalogica Webinar Recording

In this dynamic webinar, the Jing director duo – Rachel Fairweather and Meghan Mari partnered with the amazing Dermalogica, to give you amazing top tips for Pre & Postnatal Pregnancy Massage! Feeling confident treating pregnant women is a rewarding way to expand your practice and provide significant pain relief at this important time. This course […]

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FIG 2 Fibromyalgia image

Understanding and treating fibromyalgia through advanced massage techniques by Rachel Fairweather published in the FHT’s International Therapist Magazine

“It is as if all of my joints were locked and I am caught inside, as though imprisoned in a kind of body or an envelope that has padlocks inside, like doors that I cannot open.” Fibromyalgia patient interview (Valenzuela-Moguillansky, 2012) Frustrating or fascinating – the complex world of Fibromyalgia Syndrome Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) can […]

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High Five! Top moves to get in your massage groove by rachel fairweather

High Five! Top moves to get in your massage groove by Rachel Fairweather published in Massage World Magazine

Over the 25 years that I have been privileged to be a massage therapist I have learned zillions of techniques. I have graduated from the good old world of effleurage and hacking to the fancy- schmancy world of visceral manipulation and fascial nerve release. Yet there are some moves that will always stay dear to […]

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Clients who don’t get better – the complex conundrum of chronic pain by Rachel Fairweather

Clients who don’t get better – the complex conundrum of chronic pain by Rachel Fairweather published in massage world magazine

The complex puzzle of chronic pain Being a massage therapist is not always an easy business. Massage therapists, more than any other manual therapy profession, are constantly faced with the issue of chronic pain- that is, pain that persists long beyond the usual healing time for an injury. We are often the last point of […]

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Working with Emotions in Bodywork by Rachel Fairweather

Working with Emotions in Bodywork by Rachel Fairweather published in Massage World Magazine

Many clinically oriented massage therapists believe that emotional pain is literally “none of their business”. Isn’t our job to work with physical pain, not to be delving around in the messy arena of peoples’ feelings? Yet massage has a long tradition of working not just with the body but the mind and emotions. The two […]

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