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Certificate in Advanced Myofascial Release

Become an expert myofascial practitioner with our Certificate in Advanced Myofascial Release. This comprehensive course explores major techniques and approaches to effectively work with fascia, enabling you to enhance your results and alleviate client pain quickly and efficiently.

Gain advanced techniques and approaches to address a wide range of client needs.

Course Details:

Duration: 7 days hands on
Cost: £1150 upfront or £398.34 a month for 3 months with a payment plan.
Hands-on Classroom Dates: 17-26 June 2025
Self-Study Days: 20-22 June 2025

Course Highlights:

– Cross-hand stretches, dural tube release, transverse fascial plane releases, arm and leg pulls, psoas releases, and scar tissue work.
– Learn how to seamlessly integrate these techniques into your existing clinical remedial work for faster results.
– Develop skills to work more effectively with common pain conditions, emotional trauma, and systemic issues that may not respond to traditional massage approaches.
– Explore Structural Integration, a dynamic form of bodywork involving deep tissue work with active movement.
– Master body reading to recognize and analyse pain and strain patterns, including habitual compensation configurations.
– Understand the difference between direct and indirect myofascial work and learn how to combine both in your practice.
– Embrace the importance of “listening touch,” palpatory sensitivity, and body mechanics.
– Gain new insights into the anatomy of the myofascial system.
– Acquire practical bodywork techniques and tools to immediately integrate into your existing practice.


If you are new to myofascial work, we recommend completing the Foundation in Advanced Clinical Techniques first, as it contains a strong myofascial component that will allow you to incorporate this work into your practice immediately.

Course Booking

Certificate in Advance Myofascial Release 17-26 June 2025 (Payment Plan)

£398.34 / month for 3 monthAdd to basket

Certificate in Advanced Myofascial Release 17-26 June 2025 (Pay Upfront)

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