advanced massage for frozen shoulder

Advanced Massage for Frozen Shoulder

“From a slight ache to hugely restricted movement, frozen shoulder can be a debilitating and painful experience.” – Advanced Massage for Frozen Shoulder

Jing therapists pride themselves on helping people in chronic pain, and when a client is presenting with the loss of lateral rotation, abduction and medial rotation over an extended period of time, it’s time for some treatment.

In this week’s episode of Jing TV, founding Jinger, Meghan Mari, speaks with Jing designer, Andrew Dineley, about his experience with frozen shoulder and how Jing treatment helped him to avoid surgery and make a full recovery.


Do you want to find out more about JING Advanced Massage Training? Or learn all about our hands on or online massage courses? We love to chat! Please either give us a call on 01273 628 942, or join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter!

*Jing Advanced Massage and Training is a hands-on and on-line massage training school, that has revolutionized the massage industry in the UK. Offering the best expert soft tissue education in the treatment of chronic pain. Developed by celebrated teachers and authors, Rachel Fairweather, BA, AOS, LMT, and Meghan S. Mari, BA, MA LMT, it is recognized internationally as a centre of excellence.

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