Horrified of herniated disc, scared of sciatica? How to treat safely with massage - JING TV

Horrified of herniated disc, scared of sciatica? How to treat safely with massage

In this week’s Jing TV adventure, the dynamic duo talk about the horror of herniated disc, and the Low Back Pain in general. First they will teach you about the anatomy of a herniated or slipped disc (or jam leaking out of a doughnut!) and then they pain it can cause in the local musculo-skeletal structures.

This week we also talk about the ‘pain in the brain’ theory, and how some people with herniated disc will feel no pain whatsoever.


Do you want to find out more about The JING Institute of advanced massage training?  Want to check out our hands on, or online massage courses? We Love to chat! Please either give us a call on 01273 628 942, or why not join the conversation on Facebook and twitter!

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