Stone Masterclass: Stellar Stonework


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Meghan Mari’s Stone Masterclass

Ignited by the passion experienced by teachers and students alike in the latest stone courses that Meghan was honoured to lead, she has been inspired to offer a stone masterclass. The course will be open to all who have completed the Hot Stone Fusion course at some point in your Jing journey and want to go onto the next level.

About the course

  • Revisits and reviews material covered in original Hot Stone Fusion course
  • Further integration of advanced clinical stone work, much more trigger point work, myofascial release, soft tissue release and deeper work with the stones
  • Fantastical forearm fusion – using stones and forearms interchangeably in all the right spaces
  • Any discussion that you would like to have about how you are using stones in your practice including more and more marketing

Spaces limited as it’s a masterclass! And what a great weekend it’s going to be with the Jing graduation and annual party taking place on June 10th!

Come to the party, have a day to recover and then luxuriate in the magic that is “The Mari” in her full stellar stonework swing!

Who knows when the stars might align again?!

Course Dates