Advanced Myofascial Techniques with Til Luchau: Neck, Jaw & Head


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These popular seminars designed for practicing manual therapists and qualified students with advanced myofascial techniques which can be easily incorporated into existing personal styles. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, the focus is on unusual, interesting, and fresh approaches that will both expand technique repertoire and inspire creativity and innovation. Within these workshops we will cover:

  • Specific techniques for commonly encountered complaints 
  • Relieving pain, restoring lost function, and getting lasting results 
  • Utilizing both active and passive movement to enhance effectiveness 
  • Precision in working with specific tissue types and body layers 
  • Combining indirect or subtle work with deep or direct work 
  • Ways to work sensitively, safely, and comfortably at very deep levels

Neck, Jaw & Head

Learn advanced myofascial techniques for reducing neck pain and balancing neck function.  Dramatically improve your skills for working with fixations, whiplash, migraines, and jaw issues.

Course Dates