WEBINAR: How to make 35k a year and take the summers off!

RECORDING OF THE WEBINAR: How to make 35k a year and take the summers off! Wednesday 9th Apri

This is a recording of the live webinar that took place on Wednesday 9th April

This month Jing directors, Rachel Fairweather and Meghan Mari, and director of student development Nina Frizoni explore the concept: Do what you love, love what you do (while getting paid what you are worth!)

Wow! Can you imagine a life where every day you get up bursting with enthusiasm to go to work; a life where you can make your own hours; have time to go to that yoga class in the middle of the day; pay yourself a decent salary and most importantly pack your bags every summer and take off for a month! Who would say no to that?

Please enjoy this recording and please let us know if you have any thoughts/questions on info@jingmassage.com or call the office on 01273 628 942


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